Some GEODES Graduate Students share their research

Troy Berkey, University of South Florida
Troy Berkey
University of South Florida
Assessing Lava Tube Characteristics and Geometries Using Gravity and Magnetic Methods

Casey Braccia, University of Maryland
Casey Braccia
University of Maryland
Experimental Constraints on Physical Properties of Volcanic Rocks with Implications for Lunar Exploration

John Coonan, University of South Florida
John Coonan
University of South Florida
Illustrating the Benefits of Coincident GPR and Seismic Data Acquisition for Shallow Lunar Exploration with a Simple Synthetic Case Study

Joe DeMartini, University of Maryland
Joe DeMartini
University of Maryland
Discrete Element Models of Low-Gravity Planetary Surfaces

Kathryn Gansler, University of Maryland
Kathryn Gansler
University of Maryland
Using rover accelerometers for seismic investigations of planetary shallow subsurfaces

Jacob Giles, University of Maryland
Jacob Giles
University of Maryland
Imaging The Shallow Subsurface for Lunar Exploration Using Seismic Surface Waves

Orion Hon, University of Arizona
Orion Hon
University of Arizona
Exploring the origin of volcanic features on the Moon using remote sensing-based geomorphologic observations and terrestrial analogs

Mariam Naseem, University of Maryland
Mariam Naseem
University of Maryland
Characterizing The Beaufort Sea Ice Using Ice Penetrating Radar: An Analog For Icy Ocean Worlds

Cosmo Varah-Sikes, University of Maryland
Cosmo Varah-Sikes
University of Maryland
Experimental and Remote Study of the Spinel-Rich Sinus Aestuum Pyroclastic Deposits

Linden Wike, University of Maryland
Linden Wike
University of Maryland
Synthetic Seismic Models of Earth Analog Lava Tubes